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The Big O Cheat Sheet

With this 1-page PDF, you'll always have the 7 most important complexity classes at a glance
Always choose the most efficient data structures and thus increase the performance of your applications.
Be prepared for technical interviews and confidently present your algorithm knowledge.
Become a sought-after problem solver and be known for systematically tackling complex problems.
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The O-Notation Cheat Sheet is perfect for you if...

... you want to write more efficient code as a developer and develop a better understanding of the complexity of your algorithms.
... you are preparing for technical interviews or discussions and want to refresh the basics of algorithm analysis.
... you are just starting out with algorithms and data structures and need a quick overview of the most important complexity classes.

Hi, I'm Sven

As a passionate Java programmer from the very beginning, I've made it my mission to help others improve their programming skills.

I do this with articles on my blog and in Java Magazin (a German publication), with videos on my YouTube channel, and with talks at JUGs and conferences like JavaLand.

You can also find me regularly at unconferences like JCrete, JChateau, and JAlba.

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Sven Woltmann
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What complexity classes are covered in the Big O Cheat Sheet?

The cheat sheets list the essential information about these seven time complexity classes on one page.
  • Constant Time – O(1)
  • Logarithmic Time – O(log n)
  • Linear Time – O(n)
  • Quasilinear Time – O(n · log n)
  • Quadratic Time – O(n²)
  • Exponential Time – O(2n)
  • Factorial Time – O(n!)

Secure the O-Notation PDF Cheat Sheet now 
and make a name for yourself as an algorithms expert

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