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Java Versions PDF Cheat Sheet (updated to Java 23)

Stay up-to-date with the latest Java features with this PDF Cheat Sheet
Avoid lengthy research with this concise overview of all Java versions up to Java 23.
Discover the innovative features of each new Java version, summarized on a single page.
Impress your team with your up-to-date knowledge of the latest Java version.
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The Java Versions Cheat Sheet is perfect for you if...

... you want to update your Java projects and benefit from the innovative features of the latest versions.
... you want to deepen your Java knowledge and stay up-to-date on the latest developments and trends.
... you want to speed up your development processes with a quick overview of the features of the latest Java versions.

Hi, I'm Sven

As a passionate Java programmer from the very beginning, I've made it my mission to help others improve their programming skills.

I do this with articles on my blog and in Java Magazin (a German publication), with videos on my YouTube channel, and with talks at JUGs and conferences like JavaLand.

You can also find me regularly at unconferences like JCrete, JChateau, and JAlba.

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You'll find these Java versions in the PDF

In the PDF, you'll find the most important innovations of all Java versions from Java 10 to Java 23. If you're interested in a specific Java version – you'll find links to comprehensive articles about each individual Java version below:
  • Java 23: Markdown Comments, Module Import Declarations (Preview), Primitive Type Patterns (Preview)
  • Java 22: Unnamed Patterns & Variables, FFM API, Stream Gatherers (Preview)
  • Java 21 LTS: Virtual Threads, Record Patterns, Pattern Matching for Switch
  • Java 20: Scoped Values (Incubator)
  • Java 19: Virtual Threads (Preview), Record Patterns (Preview), Structured Concurrency (Incubator)
  • Java 18: UTF-8 by Default, Code Snippets in JavaDoc, Reimplemented Core Reflection
  • Java 17 LTS: Sealed Classes, Pattern Matching for Switch (Preview), FFM API (Incubator)
  • Java 16: Pattern Matching for instanceof, Records, Strong Encapsulation by Default, Stream.toList()
  • Java 15: Text Blocks, New GCs: ZGC + Shenandoah, New String Methods, Helpful NullPointerExceptions
  • Java 14: Switch Expressions, Records (Preview), Pattern Matching for instanceof (Preview)
  • Java 13: Text Blocks (Preview), New ByteBuffer Methods
  • Java 12: Neue String-Methoden, Teeing Collector, Default CDS Archives, Switch Expressions (Preview)
  • Java 11 LTS: New HTTP Client, New String and Files Methods, Epsilon GC, Flight Recorder
  • Java 10: var, Immutable Collections, Application CDS (Class Data Sharing)

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and make a name for yourself as a Java expert

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